Car & van rental app and mobile offers

Stay connected with Europcar on your mobile phone and iPad

Using the Europcar app on your mobile phone is the simplest way to search for and book a car or a van in just a few seconds, anytime and anywhere around the world, from our 3,800 locations in more than 130 countries: ready, steady, go!

New designs & features

Europcar car and van rental app for iPhone and iPad

Download our app to find out more. Your rental is a few taps away with our Europcar app!
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Car and van hire made easy

  • Find Europcar rental locations anywhere in the UK - browse all details (map and directions, opening hours, car models available) in just a few clicks.
  • Filter your search by price, vehicle range or access your last search in just one click.
  • You can create or update your account in 5 minutes.
  • Your booking process is fast-tracked: scan your paperwork, take a selfie, complete your online check in and get a fastpass to priority service to save time at the branch.
  • Book your vehicle in a few seconds: ready, steady, go!
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A fully digitalised car or van rental process

The Europcar app gives you freedom and takes away the hassle for your next car or van rental:
  • Use your negotiated rates and tailor your car or van rental with our range of extras.
  • With the customised dashboard on your account, find all your bookings in one place and follow the rental guide to upgrade or modify your booking whenever you want.
  • Subscribe to our notifications and benefit from our great offers and special deals all year long.

Fast to install, easy to use

Europcar car and van rental app for Android phones

  • Book a rental vehicle quickly, wherever you are.
  • Find your closest branch and browse all the details (address, opening hours, car models available).
  • If your plans change you can modify or cancel your bookings directly in the app.
  • Be reminded of your rentals by adding your reservation details in your calendar.
Download here